BSGTech Blog

BSGTech has been serving the Chicagoland area since 2009, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

The Real Differences Between a Chromebook and Other Laptops

The Real Differences Between a Chromebook and Other Laptops

Laptops are old news in the business world, but the technology that now powers them is impressive to say the least. You can get just as much done with a laptop as you could with a powerful, resource-intensive desktop just a couple of years ago. But how do Chromebooks fit into the mix? Today, we want to discuss the difference between a Chromebook and a typical laptop, and why you might consider one over the other.

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Tip of the Week: You Can (Sort Of) Use FaceTime on Android. Here’s How

Tip of the Week: You Can (Sort Of) Use FaceTime on Android. Here’s How

It’s no secret that Apple’s iPhone has some features exclusive to users of Apple products, one of which is the convenient mobile video chat platform, FaceTime. However, Apple has made FaceTime available to Android users in at least some capacity, albeit an incomplete experience, for the Android user, at least. Let’s go over how an iPhone user can FaceTime with an Android user relatively easily.

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Tip of the Week: Leverage Android “Activities” for More Effective Shortcuts

Tip of the Week: Leverage Android “Activities” for More Effective Shortcuts

If your Android devices look anything like ours, they probably have several applications on them which make navigating the app pages a bit tedious at best. You can make navigating your various applications much less of a pain if you make shortcuts on your home screens which take you to the apps you use most frequently.

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Everything You Need to Know About a Work Profile on Android

Everything You Need to Know About a Work Profile on Android

Smartphones are the number one way people compute nowadays, and as a result businesses have begun to require mobile access for their employees. This means that businesses are trying to use their employees’ smartphones as a resource. Google has developed a great tool for businesses and employees, alike. It’s called the work profile and today, we will give you a quick overview.

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Tip of the Week: Turn Off Bluetooth on Android When Not in Use

Tip of the Week: Turn Off Bluetooth on Android When Not in Use

Bluetooth technology is one of the best ways to make the most of your Android device, but only if you know how to use it. Today, we wanted to provide a short overview of how you can use your Bluetooth technology with your Android device, as well as the importance of when and why to turn it on or off as needed.

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Tip of the Week: Scan Picture or Document to PDF in Android

Tip of the Week: Scan Picture or Document to PDF in Android

Did you know that Google Drive gives you the ability to scan a picture or document to a PDF with your Android smartphone? All it takes is a couple of taps and you can get right to documenting your important documents in your Google Drive without storing your paper documents. Here is how you can do it.

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Tip of the Week: Disable Calling from Wi-Fi on Your Android Device

Tip of the Week: Disable Calling from Wi-Fi on Your Android Device

If you are an Android user, you may have noticed the Wi-Fi calling option you get when you receive or make a call while connected to a network. It might be a great tool at your disposal if you suddenly find yourself without cell service, but there are situations where you might not want Wi-Fi calling enabled.

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Tip of the Week: Adjusting Your Android Device’s Screen Size

Tip of the Week: Adjusting Your Android Device’s Screen Size

If you have ever had trouble looking at your phone because of poor eyesight, then you know it can be difficult to look at small text or images. If this sounds like an issue you experience, then you can change the display size of your Android’s screen. Follow these simple directions and you’ll be having a much easier time and a better experience with your device.

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Tip of the Week: How to Adjust Your Font Size on Your Smartphone

Tip of the Week: How to Adjust Your Font Size on Your Smartphone

It’s only too common that, even as the screens on our mobile devices increase in size, the text displayed on them can be difficult to read. Fortunately, there is a way to fix this. Let’s go over the process involved in changing the size of the text your smartphone displays.

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Is the Android Experience on WIndows 11 Really Going to Work?

Is the Android Experience on WIndows 11 Really Going to Work?

Android applications will be available on Windows 11, a concept that many users are looking forward to. However, there are quite a few terms and conditions that apply. How will this integration work, and can you expect it to be as neat as it sounds? Maybe… or maybe not. Let’s take a look.

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Tip of the Week: Connecting Android to Windows for Added Productivity

Tip of the Week: Connecting Android to Windows for Added Productivity

Windows 10 and Android have played well with one another for quite some time. So well, in fact, that there is a way to access your Android apps from your Windows 10 workstation. Let’s go over the process involved in doing so.

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Tip of the Week: Customizing the Android 11 Power Menu

Tip of the Week: Customizing the Android 11 Power Menu

Just in case you needed another reason to upgrade to Android 11, you have the potential to add far more utility to the menu that appears when you hold the power button on your device. To do so, you’ll have to make a small investment into an automation-driven application known as Tasker. For this week’s tip, we’ll walk you through using this application to customize your Android 11 command center.

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Android’s Evolution Over Time

Android’s Evolution Over Time

With a market share of 87 percent in 2019, Android is obviously a popular operating system and has been for some time. With the years that have passed since it debuted in 2008, it has changed shape quite considerably, with many features and capabilities introduced and phased out. Let’s go over the changes that each version brought with it, to see how Android got to the place it is now.

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Tip of the Week: Simple Fixes for Some Common Android Phone Issues

Tip of the Week: Simple Fixes for Some Common Android Phone Issues

The Android mobile platform is the most utilized operating system in the world. Even with its massive popularity, it comes with some oddities. Today, we’ll go into detail on how to prevent some of these quirks from holding you back.

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Tip of the Week: Get More from Your Android Device’s Battery

Tip of the Week: Get More from Your Android Device’s Battery

Is your Android device’s battery becoming a problem? Does it seem like you only get a few hours of use on a full charge? Does it shut off well before it should? These are common problems that happen when a device gets older (not-so-curiously around the time that you pay off the device). If your device’s battery is running slower, there are some steps you can take to ensure that you can get through your day without having to constantly worry about your device shutting down.

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Tip of the Week: Changing Your Notification Settings on Android Devices

Tip of the Week: Changing Your Notification Settings on Android Devices

Notifications are one of the Android mobile platform’s most-often-used functions, but they can perhaps also detract from workplace focus the most. To help limit these interruptions, we’re dedicating this week’s tip to better managing these notifications for your productivity.

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Careful, This Wallpaper will Brick Your Phone. Wait, What?

Careful, This Wallpaper will Brick Your Phone. Wait, What?

Hold onto your hats folks, this article is a rollercoaster. It has been recently discovered that a totally innocuous photograph is causing smartphones to break when set as the wallpaper. Is this some new malicious type of malware? Are dastardly hackers behind this exploit? 

It’s a much crazier story. Let’s take a look

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The New Office 365 App is Awesome

The New Office 365 App is Awesome

Office 365 is one of the most popular office suites on the market, and has been available on mobile devices for a while. This means that users have access to software titles like Word, OneNote, Excel, and PowerPoint from wherever they are. Understanding that this isn’t really a trend, but a sustained new way that people were going to access their Office 365 resources, Microsoft has created the Microsoft Office app. Today, we’ll take a look at the app and tell you how you can download it on your device.

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Tip of the Week: How to Set Up Android Work Profiles

Tip of the Week: How to Set Up Android Work Profiles

How many of your employees have a personal device that they want to leverage in the workplace? There are a few ways that this can be enabled that doesn’t put your data at risk, and that don’t keep the employee from being able to use their device the way they want to as well. For today’s tip, we’ll explore how this can be accomplished - without undermining your business’ security.

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Tip of the Week: Check Out These 4 Android Shortcuts

Tip of the Week: Check Out These 4 Android Shortcuts

Android devices might be highly customizable, but to get them to this point, there might be a sacrifice of user-friendliness. If you can figure out how to configure them properly, these devices can benefit from all kinds of useful shortcuts that can help you get more out of your devices. Here are four of the easiest ones to set up.

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