BSGTech Blog

BSGTech has been serving the Chicagoland area since 2009, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

Technology is the Name of the Game for HR Teams

Technology is the Name of the Game for HR Teams

Ask your HR representative how their job goes most days and you’ll get an emphatic “It’s going.” One way that you can make HR easier is through the implementation of technology solutions. By giving your team better tools to manage their tasks, you can ensure that they feel empowered to handle their tasks as efficiently as possible.

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Six Benefits of Remote IT Support You Should Enjoy

Six Benefits of Remote IT Support You Should Enjoy

In the digital age, IT support is a must-have for businesses. That said, traditional on-site support can be costly and inefficient.

Fortunately, we can now access remote IT support, like that which comes with managed services. It's a game-changer for small to medium-sized businesses. Let's dive in and discover the advantages of remote IT support.

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How to Deliver Sustainability Through Technology

How to Deliver Sustainability Through Technology

As defined by the United Nations, sustainability involves meeting present needs without compromising future generations' abilities to meet their own. Coined in 1987, this definition has spurred businesses to pursue their interpretations of sustainability within their service models. Let's explore strategies to enhance the sustainability of your operations.

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What You Need to Know About Windows 10 End of Life

What You Need to Know About Windows 10 End of Life

The Windows 10 operating system was a major achievement for personal and business computing after the debacle that was Windows 8 (and the 8.1 update). Now that Windows 11 has taken the computing world by storm, Microsoft is getting ready to retire Windows 10. Today, let’s go through everything you need to know about Windows 10’s end of support.

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Remote Access Solutions Allow for Greater Flexibility for Your Workforce

Remote Access Solutions Allow for Greater Flexibility for Your Workforce

You likely have employees who work outside the office at least some of the time, if not working remotely all the time. Therefore, you owe it to yourself and your business to equip your team with the tools and resources they need to be successful. We recommend that you carefully consider the technology you provide for your employees, especially when they work out of the office part of the time, as well as how your team will access these tools and resources.

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Get Started with Managed Services with These Three Questions

Get Started with Managed Services with These Three Questions

When you sign up with an outsourced IT provider to take advantage of managed services for your business, you understandably take a significant risk. You are trusting another company with your business’ most precious assets and data, and you need to do all you can to make the right choice for your company’s future. Thankfully, you can get a pretty good idea of how a managed service provider will work with you just by asking three simple questions.

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With Managed IT, You’ll Save Capital in So Many Ways

With Managed IT, You’ll Save Capital in So Many Ways

Costs are one of the biggest pain points for businesses of all sizes, and you need to have a system in place to help you gauge your return on all investments. One way to guarantee you get the best value out of your technology solutions, for example, is to work with a managed service provider.

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Managed IT Services Can Help Your Business in Countless Ways

Managed IT Services Can Help Your Business in Countless Ways

Does your company struggle with technology and technology management? A managed service provider, or MSP, can offer services that can make any business’ job much easier by streamlining operations and ensuring important IT tasks are never left undone. Here are three major benefits of working with a managed IT service provider for your business.

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Managed Services Offer a Lot of Benefits, Here are a Few

Managed Services Offer a Lot of Benefits, Here are a Few

Many businesses, both large and small, are turning to managed services to streamline their operations, reduce costs, and enhance the overall value they provide to their customers. Managed services have become a complete game-changer, not only by saving businesses money but also by helping them build better businesses and get more value out of their IT. Let’s unpack how managed services achieve this dual objective.

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IT Management Sure is Complicated

IT Management Sure is Complicated

While software is always trying to become more user-friendly, modern technology is still very complicated, and if you don’t know how to take care of it and use it, you’ll quickly fall behind your competitors, or put your business at risk.

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Hybrid Work is a Great Option, Provided You Address the Inherent Risks

Hybrid Work is a Great Option, Provided You Address the Inherent Risks

Since the global COVID pandemic forcibly introduced many, many businesses to the benefits of remote operations, there has been an increase in interest in hybrid workplace operations—a combination of the standard, in-office operations with remote work all working in tandem. However, for all its benefits, there are some threats that hybrid work brings with it that need to be acknowledged as well.

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Are You Throwing Away Money on Your IT?

Are You Throwing Away Money on Your IT?

It’s easy to spend more money than necessary on your technology, especially in the business environment where there are so many frills, bells, and whistles that it’s difficult to know what you need. To help you stop wasting money on unnecessary technology, here are some of the most common places where businesses will waste IT capital.

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Get the Coverage You Need with Co-Managed Services

Get the Coverage You Need with Co-Managed Services

A reliable and skilled IT department is integral for the success of your business. If your IT team is burnt out, overworked, or dissatisfied, operations will suffer and your network will experience one IT emergency after another. Just as you expect your IT staff to use best practices, as a business owner, you need to manage your IT staff as best as you can in order to ensure that your network will operate at maximum efficiency.  

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Remote Help Desk Support Can Cut Down on Downtime

Remote Help Desk Support Can Cut Down on Downtime

Downtime can be deadly to a business in excess, and it is an unfortunate reality that businesses with poor technology maintenance practices experience more downtime than others. The more often your technology breaks down, the more you spend in wasted time and reactive maintenance, so it’s a best practice to take care of your technology before it becomes a liability. One tried and true way to do so is with some help from an outsourced provider to aid your help desk.

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The Things Your Company Gets Out of Superior Managed Services

The Things Your Company Gets Out of Superior Managed Services

When it comes to your business technology, you cannot overlook any of your expenses, including downtime and productivity. You’ll want to make sure that your team has the tools they need to be successful while also ensuring that those tools are maintained by professionals. Let’s examine how managed IT services can help you make this happen.

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Save Money and Get the Support You Need for Your Technology

Save Money and Get the Support You Need for Your Technology

It’s not easy managing office technology and business solutions. A lot of thought goes into their day-to-day upkeep, and small businesses often do not have the time or resources available to ensure their technology is properly maintained. What they don’t tell you is that you don’t have to do all of this yourself. You can easily outsource these responsibilities to a managed service provider.

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For Better IT Management, We Have Some Strategies for You to Try

For Better IT Management, We Have Some Strategies for You to Try

If your business is like other small organizations out there, it might struggle with managing and maintaining its technology, from servers and workstations to networking components, to mobile devices and beyond. If you just can’t seem to keep up with the demands of technology management, read on—we have some great tips to help you better manage the workload.

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Managed IT Services is Right for Any Business

Managed IT Services is Right for Any Business

Technology management is something that a lot of businesses struggle with, especially small businesses that already have many employees fulfilling many different roles and taking on additional responsibilities. Managed IT services give businesses who struggle with technology management a way out by providing access to top-notch services designed with the small business in mind.

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WARNING: Log4j is a Serious Threat to Nearly Every Business

WARNING: Log4j is a Serious Threat to Nearly Every Business

A critical, widespread vulnerability was just discovered, and this one is a very big deal. In fact, Log4j is one of the worst vulnerabilities we’ve seen, period. Your business needs to be aware of it, and you absolutely need to take measures to prevent it.

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The Value of Managed IT Starts with Our Technicians

The Value of Managed IT Starts with Our Technicians

Business technology isn’t going to be a strength of your business if it isn’t properly maintained. Unfortunately, most modern businesses can’t commit the time and resources necessary to do this on their own. This is why partnering with a managed IT services provider brings great value. This value wouldn’t be possible, however, without trained and experienced technicians. Today, we thought we’d take a closer look at the people that deliver that value.

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800 E. Business Center Dr.
Mt. Prospect, Illinois 60056

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Chicago, Illinois 60602